Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Note of Absence From the Class

Hey everyone, I know I've been a bit slow on the internet stuff lately, but I'm back and I'm bad, and I'm queing up some blogs to make up for lost time so stand by.

In terms of why I've been away, it was really a conflagration of multiple things all happening at once, some of which I will elaborate on in later posts:

- Work got crazy. One day I'll go into this in more detail, but when my work goes crazy, it is sleeping three hours a night, working till 4am every day, seven days a week crazy. I get into busy periods sometimes, August seems to be a killer month each year, and I got caught up.

- Computer Died. I will post more on this, but basically, one morning my Vaio's HDD gave up the ghost. I will do a separate blog on the drama and lessons learned from it, but basically the end result is that I now have a refurbished laptop, a bunch of new equipment at home, Windows 7 installed (which I'm liking), and a SUBSTANTIALLY lighter wallet and slightly dented sense of self worth.

- Daycare. Haha, I will do a blog on this as well I think... Basically, at the same time that it turned cold all of a sudden, it was time to put Hiko Jnr in the bio-weapon development labroratory that is daycare for pre-schoolers and I've been floored with a cold lately.

I suppose I should also add something about the dog eating my homework...

Basically, life got busy as it does, plus I think it is good to step back from the web sometimes and make sure everything in real life is going right. Truth is, I've got more interesting stuff going on now than ever, some of which will become clear over time. But for now, just know that I'm happy, I'm back, and I'll be posting more stuff soon on the random nerdiness that is the inside of my brain....


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